Tuesday 23 April 2013

Avoiding A Telling Off

I have spent much of the last six months either telling people off or holding back from telling people off. However today the tables turned and was told off by two separate people.

The first was my hairdresser. He was horrified that I had not visited him in so long and greeted me with the delightful phrase 'Well we have to get rid of that fluff don't we?' and ended with 'Come back in SIX to EIGHT weeks, DO NOT leave it any longer this time'.

The second person to tell me off was a blast from the past, the fashion designer, one of my great friends of season number one for those of you new to the blog. I popped into where she worked today to say hello after my long trip away. After getting over the delight of seeing each other after all this time and after she had lulled me into a false sense of security she let rip;

'I cannot believe you have fallen in love with a chef again!'

'Well I liked him a lot but but I wouldn't say I was in love with him, I don't think I actually fell in love with any of them' I replied.

This was apparently a very unsatisfactory answer for the fashion designer. A look of hatred flashed through her eyes.

'If I'd have been there it would not have happened, I would not have let that happen'

'Well it probably would have...well there was this bottle of vodka ...and he was actually quite nice'

If the fashion designer had had a handbag with her she would have hit me with it at that point.

And that is where she started to get hysterical,
'I just hate chefs as a breed, I just hate them, and now you are going to marry him, you are going to get married to this chef'.

I uttered denials that I was not going to get married but she wasn't listening and instead told me that should I get married she would burst into the back of the church to stop all proceedings.

She really is very rude about chefs!

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