Tuesday 9 April 2013

Are my eyes deceiving me, is there finally a new Seasonaire in the City post???

Yes, yes there is. And I'm not even back in the UK yet but I will be back in 11 days (thats 264 hours or 15840 minutes).

So I took some time off writing. This wasn't actually an active decision for the first couple of months, but it was a choice between spending my free time away from the hotel that has been my home for this long, cold, snowy winter or spending my free time in my office, in front of a computer being asked questions about keys/ hot tubs/ rotas/ menus or weird medical conditions staff and guests felt they could potentially have developed. To be honest in my spare time I mainly balanced my laptop on the sink, put on a film and had a bath. Hard core I am (and very clean)!

So I thought I would write this quick post to remind you all that I will be home soon. Home and ready to write all about my last six months. It was completely different from last season (apart from my naked chef stories, there was one of those this season too, but when isn't there??)

('Just one naked chef?' I hear you cry -

Well the season isn't over yet)

So to come - stories of the 20 year old virgin chef, fire misadventures, finding a love of skiing, a romance, a fight, being the boss, someone with a phobia of peas and how I learnt the meaning of the phrase 'Finger blasting'

11 days to go!

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