Monday 22 October 2012

List Making Time

The other night I started the first of my long drawn out series of last night outs, farewell parties and goodbyes. My delightful house mate, the wonderful Matt, took me out, and after a very nice evening sitting in the sound box at the Theatre,  we skilfully managed to avoid what was destined to be a terrible double blind date and danced the night away at G.A.Y.

So in the next few weeks I have a night out to a medieval banquet with my friend Hutch, a pub night out with the rep, a work goodbye party, a day out to York with my friend Miss T and my lovely 2 year old godson, a night out in the Victorian Industrial West Yorkshire town I am originally from, again with Miss T and a Christmas Day with the family.

In between all this fun I have to finish at work for the winter, pack up my house, move back home and pack for the mountains. This means I have to start making lists. Lots of lists. There will be lists blue tacked to every wall, ceiling and floor before long. When I was at school I had a boyfriend who said he had never met anyone who planned things to such extremes as I did. A Olympic gold medal winning planner.

The first time I went to France I didn't know what to expect so I couldn't prepare as well as I should and I had to get several things sent out; a Hungarian goose down duvet, a set of speakers, several copies of BBC History magazine, a second pair of snow boots, a very thick woolly hat)

At the moment I'm currently thinking of making a list of what kind of lists (and the sub lists) I have to make.

1. Things I have to buy before I go
a) Skiing things
b) Food that I have to take that I miss while I am out there (Marmite, earl grey tea, most forms of biscuit)
c) The cosmetics and beauty items I have to buy that I absolutely cannot run out of while I am away (foundation, mascara, dry shampoo, razors, hair removal cream)

2) Things I have to do before I go (Pack, Arrange for extra luggage on the aeroplane, Take all the things out my suitcase that I don't actually need, Get my hair cut (I rather stupidly got a fringe put in about six weeks ago that might stop me seeing anything about two months into my six month trip), complete my food hygiene course)

3) Types of food I am going to miss and so will have to eat before I go (Chinese, curry, fish and chips, mum'a roast dinner)

4) Things I absolutely don't need to pack because I do not need them (bikini, 20 different nail varnish colours)

5) Things I have to persuade the doctor to give me a six month supply of

And this is not ever going anywhere near the list of things I actually have to pack.

Its going to be be a very busy couple of weeks. And I'm not sure, once I have made all my lists, whether I am going to have the time to do anything on my lists.

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