Monday 22 October 2012


Things are changing. When I began writing Seasonaire in the City I was fresh off the coach from Meribel starting a new job in the big city, ourcapital city. After so long up a mountain I was missing being away and slightly overwhelmed by the size of the city and the number of people. I was certain I was not going to go back.

Now I am going back.

So in a months time I am not going to be a seasonaire in the city, I am going to be a seasonaire up a mountain in France. With a whole new set of staff members (if they think I haven't already started looking them up on facebook they are wrong!!!)

So over the next few weeks I am slightly changing the format of Seasonaire in the City. I am adding some new things to the blog; including a Meribel review section to review bands I have seen, nights out, pubs, bars raclette restaurants and anything else that takes my fancy. I am also going to regularly update with Meribel news and weather so that those of you stuck in England can feel very jealous of the snow depth.

Don't worry though, I will be keeping up with my regular blog.

And ladies and gentlemen, if you want anything else, don't hesitate to let me know.

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