Tuesday 26 November 2013

'Fessing up

So, it's that time of year again when people all over the country are packing their suitcases and setting off to spend six months of the year on snow covered mountains.

Do I wish I was with them??


Not in any way shape or form. I am very happy here, thank you very much.

But it does cause me to think back to the good things I did, the bad things I did and the down right stupid things I did in my seasonaire days.

There has been one thing hovering about at the back of my mind since pretty much the night I got back to England, and, understanding social media the way I do, I have always known that this one stupid thing would make it's way out into the public conciousness eventually. As a certain person who got a really panicky text message that very same night will attest.

And so now it has.

In my defence I did not leave it there on purpose but I should have listened more to my mum when she said that you should always double check a room before you leave it to make sure you have not left anything behind. And I will always do this in the future.

And it wasn't through lack of cleaning that it was left there (as someone has suggested!) It simply must have fallen out of my suitcase. And to the person who found it, no thank you I do not want it back, you can put it in the bin.

Lets face it, I have written about much worst things than accidentally leaving a vibrator under the bed of the hotel room I lived it. I mean I have done stupider things.

But honestly, there really isn't much else to do when you live up a mountain.

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