Sunday 23 June 2013

Back in England - Update

Now I am back in England I have written a To Do list

1. Water plans before they die
2. Feed housemate's fish before they die
3. Find interesting and attractive man for dates, long conversations, hand holding and eventually babies
4. Buy Low fat Salad dressing from Sainsbury's

Finding a boyfriend is not as high up my to do list as it could be. In fact I know several of my close friends for whom this issue takes up much more of their time and energy than it does with me.
However it is further up on my list than eating low fat foods, so I figure it might be time to start actively start thinking about my future.

It's not that I don't occasionally meet men for mutual attraction, however I couldn't get the last one to commit to taking me out to dinner so getting him to commit to marry me would take a lot more energy that I am prepared to dedicate to the situation.

'You're not actually that bothered about being single' Said my wise housemate 'so maybe now is the perfect time to start looking for a man'.

'Where do you actually meet men' I said

'Well either at work, which is not an option for you as the heritage and museum industry is not known for its abundance of attractive single men, or through friends, but I don't know anyone either, or at a pub, but I'm not going to spend my evenings at the pub with you trying to eye up men when I could be at home. So you better start internet dating'.

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