Monday 26 November 2012

Various mid training thoughts and the slight problem of men

So tonight I really feel like writing. I haven't written in a while partly because I have been so tired at the end of the day that I couldn't be bothered, partly because this year there has been far less drinking and bed hopping than last year so there hasn't been much to write about and partly because I left my laptop charger in England so have had to use my room mate's Macbook and I can't really figure out how it works.

So things have slowly been happen, nothing major . But I have quietly soaking up information like a sponge, watching and making notes on interesting snippets.

Today however I was sat waiting for someone and ended up sitting by the side of a bunch of chefs on a break. As I started listening to what they were saying and as I was sat there right beside them I started taking notes. I sat next to them for a good half hour writing down everything they said. Not that they were saying anything interesting, but what they were saying totally backed up everything that the fashion designer and myself have been saying about chefs for some while.

Don't get me wrong, my loyal readers will know that  I have had my fair share of favorites when it comes to chefs. But the fashion designer has always been deeply disturbed by my interest in such men, saying that she cannot figure out for the life of her why I am attracted to grungy chefs. She came out with the absolute classic that I think all single girls should take note of and remember;
'you cant expect a man to fancy you any more because you do that playing it hard to get thing and then some tart gives it up straight away and then men thinking 'why should I bother' ' I am not sure if she was advocating casual sex and flinging yourself at men, because she is the most prudish person I have ever met (she spend most of the plane trip to France talking loudly about why she did not like sex). 

Anyway enough of my man moans. Lets go back to when I was sat next to the chefs noting down all their ridiculous conversations. I might at some point write it out it full, it really is worth a read, but just so you know their topics of conversation were 'who had brought lube with them on the season and the reasons for this, this was brought up by the person in question's room mate who just wanted to embarrass him and just led to lots of jokes about anal sex, who their 'kitchen bitches' were, kebabs made out of a mixture of dog, goat and cat, burping and farting and their comedy value. And then one said 'Well there is nothing like a shaved dog in the afternoon' and they all burst out into hysterical laughter . I'm not even going to try and interpret that one. I have absolutely no idea.

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